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Kenny Chesney

Should have gone to Kenny Chesney tonight…!


Dumb move, I should have gone to Kenny Chesney tonight, down the road in CT…!

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Goodbye Rigs (Rigdon Reese)

Rigdon Leeds Reese
April 25 at 7:47am ·

What a beautiful day, yesterday at the Ocean Cliff, to remember Rigs life, with family and friends. Over looking beautiful Narragansett Bay, on a bright and sunny afternoon, friends shared some great stories from the past. My remembrance didn’t rise to the occasion, but I thought I’d share it here. I knew only a sliver of Rigs amazing life, simply golfing with him every Wednesday afternoon for about 10 years. Those simple afternoons on Jamestown Golf Course were some of my favorite memories. We shared stories of music, politics, religion, relationship, and of course golf. After a decade of playing golf, Rigs started to go his own way, although I always was hoping he’d show up out of nowhere to surprise us…

I miss him and he remains one f the most interesting people I have EVER met, and look forward to that next golf round we can share together.

March 30 ·

 I’m bummed to learn an old golfing buddy passed away, Rigdon Leeds Reese was a One of a Kind spirit. I’ve never met anyone like him, his stories, his worldly knowledge was just so entertaining. There are some stars that shine brighter than others, some planets affect your orbit more than others. Rigs you will be sorely missed… I just wanted to play ONE more round of golf with you. Life is truly short my friend…

“Rigs” the Golfer